The whole congregation celebrates this event in worship. A baptismal certificate, suitable for framing, is presented as well. A quilt the First Lutheran quilters. The baptismal child also receives a candle to be burned yearly on the day of their baptism. Each of these items is to pass on the faith and to remind them that they are a child of God marked with the cross of Christ forever.
Through baptism, a child becomes a member of the church. To baptize a child, parents are asked to also become members of a church and help fulfill the promises they make at the time of baptism. If you desire to have your child(ren) baptized, please call the church office at 627-9418
Prayer Pillow (Preschool)
A baptismal reunion is a natural time for families with young children to gather. These children develop a sense of trust for those who provide for their care, love, and nurture, in turn, they view God as a caring parent who loves and protects. This milestone gives Christians a reminder of their baptism and helps their parents seek to nurture the habit of praying with and for our children. The prayer pillow, made by members of the congregation, contains a pocket in which to keep the Prayer Pillow Prayers Booklet and is given to each child.
Keys of Forgiveness (Junior Kindergarten)
As children begin coming to worship there are several different aspects of worship which can become overwhelming. This milestone gives parents and children an opportunity to sit down and look at pictures of the church and talk about all the aspects of worship at First Lutheran. This Milestone also talks about the many ways and steps of Forgiveness and why it is important even for our Littles.
Prayer Cube (Kindergarten)
The fact that we can pray anytime and anywhere can sometimes be forgotten. This Milestone focuses on the many things we can pray for as we walk our community.
Nativity Scene (1st grade)
Join us as the 1st graders go on a wood staining adventure! Mary, Joesph, Baby Jesus, the 3 Wisemen and even the animals are ready to be stained and taken home with you.
What’s Fair? (2nd grade)
Things in life don’t always seem fair. Sometimes fair doesn’t mean equal. 2nd graders will learn by example during this time. There are some pretty big emotions that come with learning at this level, and we have some great ideas to smooth the time of I have, and I want.
Family Bible (3rd grade)
Parents are invited to come learn about the Bible that will be given to their child, and to be reminded of their baptismal promise to “place in their child’s hands the Holy Scripture.” Children and parents talk about making this Bible a family Bible and learn how to use the Bible in many ways.
Blessing Assistant (4th grade)
GOLDFISH! Children look forward to Communion at this age, so the Blessing Assistant (BASS) allows them the opportunity to do so. Children will learn how to aid in serving and spreading the love of Jesus.
First Communion Instruction (5th grade)
Fifth graders and parents will meet in the Gathering Place to learn about communion and bake bread and make Communion plates and a Chalice. The designs for the plates will be planned during a Sunday School class about church symbols. On Maundy Thursday each year, 5th graders celebrate their first communion, using the bread they made.
Light of Christ (6th grade)
The candles are an important piece of Worship. During this Milestone the children will discuss the Light of Christ and bringing that light to shine in the darkness. The craft for this Milestone changes as time goes on but has included painting, candles, Acolyte training and more.
In addition, Milestones continue to grow for the Middle and High School students.
Confirmation 1 and 2 (Beginning 7th and 8th grade)
Driver’s Blessing (9th grade)
Prayer Walk (10th grade)
Fire Safe (11th grade)
Senior Blanket (12th grade)
Backpacks, Teachers, Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, Campers, Bikers and more! There are blessings for all ages.